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Marin County
Law Library
A California Independent Public Agency Under Business & Professions Code Section 6300 et seq.
About us
The Marin County Law Library (MCLL) is part of the California County Law Library system, which was established in 1891. MCLL provides free public access to legal information, focusing on providing practical materials not only to attorneys and judges, but to businesses, self-represented litigants, and people who want to know more about their rights. We make it possible for the general public to use the law to solve problems, access justice and leverage opportunities.
We Support the Legal Community
Judges and court personnel can refer self-represented litigants to us, where those individuals can access legal forms, guides and legal resources written for non-attorneys.

We Support Local Businesses
MCLL is a place for businesses to use the law to address business issues and take advantage of market opportunities. Businesses can find answers to common legal questions and access easy-to-understand guides.
We Support the General Public
MCLL is a community resource dedicated to helping people learn about and use the law to solve problems and access justice. Since 1891, the law library has served Marin County by providing a freely accessible legal collection available to the public.
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